Sunday, August 7, 2016

Red's Meadow Rest

Heading "home" to Red's Meadow

After a beautiful shower and great night's sleep in a BED, I meet friends and family in Mammoth and head to our annual summer trip to Red's.

Ah, the lupine

Sotcher Lake hike reminds me of the beloved, gorgeous, emerald sheen--still a precious gem--just like the first time decades ago. Happy to be home!

Still in hiking and moving mode--hiked Minaret Falls, 7 miles and a bit more.  Lucy tags along (and me, being in denial, forget how hot and rocky this trail is.) She loves it, but on the return flight, her paws have had enough. Wrecked the old girl again... Sorry Lucy! Biting flies bad here too--something we've never had a problem with ( and never want to experience again.


black flies biting as we posed!

Get a bout of hives on legs and blisters and heels crack even worse. Maybe this old body need a bit of a break.

So happy to be with my family...resting and taking in more of the Sierras I love.

Last stop--hot springs near the Green church. One big deep breath as I say goodbye to the Sierras for another year...


K said...

Love the picture with Lucy in shoes!!! LOL :)

Unknown said...

Never been, but your photos make me feel as if I'm right there with you...there, you've done I'm craving for more! Not sure why my profile says unknown, but it's me, Sandra!😘